C-Wiz (libGDX Jam 32)
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
You've settle back in your home town after your time in the academy. Not interested in the thrills and dangers of battle, you've settled for a simple "C-Tier" agricultural studies, learning the dairy trade at school.
Sure, riding dragons & griffons, and shooting thunderbolt sounds fun for all the (S, A, & B)-Tier Wizards, but you're happy sticking with your roots living an idyllic lifestyle with your cows at your dairy farm.
With a thunderous crash outside, you soon come face-to-face with an unknown threat that seeks to crush your livelihood.
Are your cheese-processing talents able to hold back the storm?
Enemy Forces
- Unknown Amorphous Purple Orbs (UAPOs) are preparing an offensive from the east.
- It's unknown what these are supposed to be and what their capabilities are. Perhaps the developer ran out of time to create a coherent theme and spritework for them.
Friendly Forces
- Sam, Brie, Betsy, Marigold, Matilda "Mootilda": On standby to provide Forward Arming and Milk (FArM)
Destroy the orbs before they crush your beloved cows and your barn. Fire a volley of cheese wedges on your enemies to stop them. If you need to rearm, spell out a word from one of your cows, and they'll resupply you with milk to process into more cheese.
- Shoot: Left-Click
- Move: Right-Click
- Reload: Spell (type out) the words above the cow portraits
Yeah, me too. They are some secrets cheats you can find if you want to play with them. I usually get to the 60s for my score. Try to beat it!
Special thanks to my brother for giving me a pose idea for the cow portrait.
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I thought this was awesome. The style and art look superb. The concept for controlling the individual tasks, shooting/reloading being dedicated to each hand worked well. Can be very difficult to manage all that at the same time. But with practice it works. Very well put together. A+

Also, got about 200+ score. I promise it's legit, see for yourself!